This compelling, coming of age novel revolves around the Nolan family, which consists of Johnny, his wife Katie, and their two children, Francie and Neeley. Eventually, there is a third child, Annie Laurie. The family is close in spite of their home in the slums of Brooklyn and constantly fight poverty. In particular, the novel traces the growth and development of Francie from a little girl to a young insightful woman.
The novel begins with an explanation of Francie's outlook on the world around her. As a young girl of eight, Francie's life revolves around the neighborhood, particularly the candy store, the junkyard, the school, and the butcher's shop. Her keen interest in reading also takes her to the library every day, and she usually checks out one or two books. Despite Francie's father's drunkeness, he has a big heart, and genuinely love his family. Francie's mother is very practical, teaching her children the importance of saving money and education in one's life.