Brabe awoke with sharp pains running through his body. The Sun! He hadn't had any sunlight for almost a day.
"Lela," he said, shaking her, "we must get out of here, wherever we are."
Lela didn't move, she just laid there like a rag doll thrown in a heap on the floor. Then it hit him. Like the blow of one of Kyrria's awful barbaric border guards' neuralizing guns. Lela hadn't had any sun in days, for she had been wherever they were for a lot longer than he.
Brabe looked around for some source of light for her. There was on e solitary light bulb in the middle of the chamber that shone an eerie red light. Brabe dragged the limp Lela in to the dim light of the solitary bulb. He reached up and tore away the red cellophane that covered the bulb. A crisp white light shone down on Lela's limp body. Brabe hoped that this futile form of light would be sufficient enough to revive her into a conscious state. …