Eksaktās un dabaszinātnes
Anatomija, veselība, medicīna, higiēna
Health Care System Preparedness Towards Increase of Alzh...-
Health Care System Preparedness Towards Increase of Alzheimer Patients over the Next 30 Years: Case Study of the Baltic Sea Region States
Nr. | Sadaļas nosaukums | Lpp. |
Anotācija | 4 | |
Annotation | 5 | |
Introduction | 6 | |
1. | Analysis of research findings on definitions and characteristics of dementia | 13 |
2. | Initiatives towards establishing national dementia strategies | 17 |
3. | Case study of dementia strategies and social support systems of Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland | 19 |
3.1. | National dementia strategy and social support system of Norway | 19 |
3.2. | National dementia strategy and social support system of Denmark | 30 |
3.3. | National dementia strategy and social support system of Sweden | 36 |
3.4. | National dementia strategy and social support system of Finland | 40 |
4. | Objectives of dementia strategies and social support systems compared | 44 |
Conclusions and recommendations | 52 | |
References | 56 |
Conclusions and recommendations
Worldwide the society is ageing with the amount of people older than 65 years old continuously increasing. Ageing is a consequence of the modern developed world: the causes are the ever increasing life expectancy, decreasing birth rates and decreasing birth rates. The current demographic trend incorporates that the amount of newly born children can not outnumber the amount of old people leading to the result that the number of old people is becoming older and larger.
With age also the amount of age related diseases increases. Alzheimer and other dementias are one of the most common diseases among elderly people. Currently there are more people suffering from dementia than citizens in whole Europe. Among the negative characteristics of dementia is the fact that it affects not only the life of the patient who is diagnosed to have dementia, but as well the lives of the patients immediate family members since they have to devote a significant amount of time for care and their psychological conditions are suffering.
Forecasts on demographic changes worldwide expect the amount of people older than 60 to increase from 810 million in 2012 over the next 30 years to 2 billion by 2050. This accordingly means that the number of people with dementia will increase with a similar volume.
According to the expected changes in the demographic structure of society similar changes can be expected in the health care system – as the demand for services adapted to needs characterized for dementia patients will increase, the health care system will have to respond with appropriate changes.
Despite EU policies are addressing the topic of Alzheimer and other dementias since the end of the nineties, concrete calls for member states to establish national dementia plans have arisen only since 2008. …
According to the topic of this master thesis – Preparedness of Health Care Systems Towards Increase of Alzheimer Patients Over the Next 30 Years: Case Study of the Baltic Sea Region States – the aim was to determine whether countries located in the region are prepared to the forecasted increase of dementia cases by positioning Alzheimer and other dementias as important in their policies with means of establishing national dementia strategies. The research is guided by the research question: Do certain dementia strategies include examples of good practice for dementia policies? By evaluating national dementia strategies of Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland it is possible to recognize initiatives that repeatedly appear in all strategies and are considered successful. These can serve as good practice example for countries of the region which do not have yet national dementia strategies. Overall only 4 out of 9 countries in the region are in the process of adapting their health care systems to the needs of people with dementia. Germany and Poland, having the largest population in the region, are planning to introduce in near future national policies in form of national strategy while in the Baltic states there are no political initiatives towards dementia.
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