Information Service
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SUMMARY | 3 | |
The limited liability company “INFORMSERVISS” was founded as a new enterprise of one owner and on the 18th of December 2006 was registered in the file of Latvian Republic under the reg. Number 42403009870.
This enterprise works in the service industry, which implies computer service, software allocation and maintenance, computer technique’s allocation to the education establishments, commercial establishments, service industry establishments and enterprises and private persons of Rēzekne town.
The owner on the enterprise is Ināra Žaurina who has experience in business activities’ organization and knowledge of Economy as well as the experience in informative technology, which is significant for the further prosperous business of the undertaking.
The enterprise in situated in the center of Rēzekne town near the town’s main street and government institutions. For the time being it owns a 130m2 building at its disposal.
I would like to work in this sphere to give people educational opportunities, to give them facilities to use their knowledge and to embody their desires with our help. To realize that we need a financial support for starting our planned activities: for utilizing the service center and for computer software appliances.
Mission: We want to provide Rēzekne town’s inhabitants with educational opportunities in the sphere of computers, to offer them high quality computer service for flexible prices and to take a firm stand in this realm getting maximum profit of this business activity.…
Informserviss SUMMARY The limited liability company “INFORMSERVISS” was founded as a new enterprise of one owner and on the 18th of December 2006 was registered in the file of Latvian Republic under the reg. Number 42403009870. This enterprise works in the service industry, which implies computer service, software allocation and maintenance, computer technique’s allocation to the education establishments, commercial establishments, service industry establishments and enterprises and private persons of Rēzekne town. The owner on the enterprise is Ināra Žaurina who has experience in business activities’ organization and knowledge of Economy as well as the experience in informative technology, which is significant for the further prosperous business of the undertaking. The enterprise in situated in the center of Rēzekne town near the town’s main street and government institutions. For the time being it owns a 130m2 building at its disposal. I would like to work in this sphere to give people educational opportunities, to give them facilities to use their knowledge and to embody their desires with our help. To realize that we need a financial support for starting our planned activities: for utilizing the service center and for computer software appliances. Mission: We want to provide Rēzekne town’s inhabitants with educational opportunities in the sphere of computers, to offer them high quality computer service for flexible prices and to take a firm stand in this realm getting maximum profit of this business activity. Strategic aims: • To ensure the capital profitability to be 30% high in 5 years. • To open affiliated branches of “INFORMSEVISS” LTD in 10 years. Tactical aims: • To receive bigger discounts from computer dealers (long-term contractual agreement on the assumption of increasing the size of computers’ purchase) Short-term aims: • To offer the town’s inhabitants the range of computer services (at the moment in the town each computer company is merely able to maintain the technique of its own type) to satisfy the clients’ needs in the time and place convenient for them. • To give people an opportunity to work with the computers themselves and to offer the INTERNET service (a worldwide, publicly accessible network of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol (IP))
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