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Atlants.lv bibliotēka
Akcijas un īpašie piedāvājumi 2 Atvērt
8,49 € Ielikt grozā
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Publicēts: 14.07.2005.
Valoda: Angļu
Līmenis: Augstskolas
Literatūras saraksts: Nav
Atsauces: Nav
Nr. Sadaļas nosaukums  Lpp.
I.  Table of contents   
II.  Executive summary   
III.  General Company Description   
IV.  Products and services   
V.  Marketing plan   
VI.  Operational Plan   
VII.  Management and organization   
VIII.  Personal financial statement   
IX.  Startup Expenses and Capitalization   
X.  Financial plan   
XI.  Appendices   
Darba fragmentsAizvērt

The business plan consists of a narrative and several financial spreadsheets. The narrative template is the body of the business plan. It contains over 150 questions divided into several sections. Work through the sections in any order you like, except for the Executive Summary which should be done last. Skip any questions that do not apply to your type of business. When you are through writing your first draft, you will have a collection of small essays on the various topics of the business plan. Then you will want to edit them into a smooth flowing narrative.

The real value of doing a business plan is not having the finished product in hand; rather, the value lies in the process of research and thinking about your business in a systematic way. The act of planning helps you to think things through thoroughly, study and research when you are not sure of the facts, and look at your ideas critically. It takes time now, but avoids costly, perhaps disastrous, mistakes later.

This business plan is a generic model suitable for all types of businesses. However, you should modify it to suit your particular circumstances. Before you begin, review the section entitled Refining the Plan, found at the end of the narrative. It suggests emphasizing certain areas depending upon your type of business (manufacturing, retail, service, etc.). It also has tips for fine tuning your plan to make an effective presentation to investors or bankers. If this is why you are writing your plan, then pay particular attention to your writing style. You will be judged by the quality and appearance of your work as well as your ideas. For your guidance, we have included a document entitled Writing Guide. This is an example of an executive summary written in a clear and concise style suitable for this type of document.…

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