Tu vari jebkuru darbu ātri pievienot savu vēlmju sarakstam. Forši!Cars and Social Identity
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... who like sports cars are adventurous and ...
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Cars without drivers
Prezentācija pamatskolai8
Self-driving cars have become a ... to fully autonomous cars (level 5).
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Application of Driving Toll in Order to Reduce the Number of Cars on Roads
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... amount of private cars on streets. Consequently ...
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The Environment Is Deteriorating with Every Passing Day Because of the Smoke by Thousands of Cars
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... on purchasing your cars while transport charges ...
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Conduct a Marketing Plan for Daimler-Benz with an Emphasis on Their Passenger Cars
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The extent of competitive rivalry: The luxury car segment is a competitive industry where each rival has to constantly scan its competitors for any changes whether they're in ...
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Proposal for Establishing Al Mana Used Cars Showroom, in Qatar
Konspekts vidusskolai4
... Al Mana used cars showroom, in Qatar ... the trade in cars from their three ... : the trade in cars can be turned ...
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Benefits of Electric and Hybrid Cars
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As time approaches the 21st century, the automobile has become our major source of mass transportation. Everything about our culture and society has developed around this necessary ...
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Marketing Luxury Cars Like Audi A8, Mercedes S 500
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1.Product: "«Features: Offers x standard exterior colors and y interior colors. It also offers an option of individually customizing your car in terms of colors (exterior & ...
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Cars Today Are Very Common but about 200 Years Ago They Were Thought to Be Just Some Kind of Crazy Invention
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Cars today are very ... States. Most European cars were hand made ... to buy the cars. Nicolas Joseph Cugnot ...
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Cars Should Be Banned in All Town Centers to Control Pollution
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Whether cars should be banned ... some reasons why cars should be banned ...
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Hydrogen-Powered Cars
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... the world of cars. Some people argue ... accomplishment was making cars more efficient with ... more people own cars. This leads to ...
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Creative writing. 250 words. Why we customize and restore cars.
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... 'm from, muscle cars and trucks dominate ...
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Cars Direct.com: Shaking Up the Competition
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1. How do customers and Car Direct each benefit from the online marketing? The advantages for both the customer and the CarDirect are: For the customers: It is very convenient ...
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Automobile Company "Audi"
Biznesa plāns augstskolai12
... , selling 949,700 cars worldwide. Overall sales ... deliver one million cars again.” Audi sold ... 941 premium cars (2010: 119,598 cars), 32 ... (2008: 7,712 cars). In Europe, sales ...
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Self-Driving Vehicles
Referāts augstskolai14
... era of smart cars that will belong ... groups: electronics-stuffed cars, unmanned vehicles and ... software components of cars will develop, seeking ...
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Self-Driving Vehicles
Referāts augstskolai9
Another issue regarding self-driving vehicles is that driver would get tired throughout a long distance when transporting products from one place to another so it’s better to get ...
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Ilgtspējīgas uzņēmējdarbības vadības modeļa ekoloģiskie faktori vieglo automobiļu industrijā
Eseja augstskolai10
Ekoloģiskie faktori ilgtspējīgas uzņēmējdarbības vadības modelī ir darbības veidi, kas samazina atkritumu daudzumu un piesārņojumu, ietaupa resursus (ūdens, elektroenerģija, ...
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Database Planing Project Description
Paraugs augstskolai18
... information about Retro cars. Database has10 tables ...
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Car Is an Ecological Disaster
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In summary, the problem of pollution from car exhaust is not new and is the single most polluting thing we do. The situation is so serious that many laws have been enacted to ...
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Elektroautomobiļu uzbūve, attīstības vēsture un izmantošanas iespējas Latvijā
Referāts vidusskolai26
Novērtēts!Mūsdienās autotransportu uzskata par vienu no vislielākajiem vides piesārņotājiem.[1] Tiek uzskatīts, ka būtiski jāmainās auto industrijai, lai ietekmi uz vidi samazinātu. Viens no ...
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Uzņēmuma “TOYOTA MOTOR CORPOTATION” vides politikas iespējas un trūkumi attiecībā uz automašīnu emisijām
Eseja augstskolai6
“Toyota Motor Corporation” ir lielākais Japānas automobiļu ražotājs un viens no lielākajiem autobūves uzņēmumiem pasaulē. Dibināts 1937. gadā kā “Toyoda Automatic Loom Works”, ...
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Tesla`s Acquisitions, Corporate System, Organization, Products, SWOT
Konspekts augstskolai5
... vehicles, Tesla’s cars and other energy ... around self driving cars and it also ... Tesla's automatic cars. Tesla can face ... cases where their cars have caught fire ...